Nursery / Kindergarten School
Our Kindergarten School is a Member Institute of the Pitvaros Regional Kindergarten School and Common Kindergarten School – Nursery.
The aim of the integrated kindergarten school – nursery is: to nurse children who emotionally wealthy, know their traditions, open minded, tolerant, cooperative, inquisitive, self-esteem and know their surroundings.
Our nursing methods are children orientated, tolerant and provide a high quality and caring environment. We would like them to be happy, open minded individuals, when they move forward to primary school.
We have cooperative staff, who can provide a calm and peaceful environment for the children. There are 2 kindergarten teacher, 1 nurse and 1 early childhood carer. All of our staff has the appropriate qualification. In addition there is a special education teacher, speech therapist and a special physical education teacher, who visits our facility occasionally. We also provide Lutheran and Roman Catholic bible classes.
Csjernyikné Betkó Tünde Mónika
06 62 650 312
6915 Csanádalberti, Fő út 38/A.